The effect of automation on the energy efficiency of the building

The effect of automation on the energy efficiency of the building

Energy saving is a key parameter in the design of buildings. The use of automation to save energy is a prerequisite for achieving energy goals. At the same time, it΄s the most flexible solution for existing buildings.

The energy certification of automations comes to give a new impetus to the development of control automation systems, in order to save energy while ensuring the economic and technical background on which engineers can now reliably base their energy proposals.

Mechanical Solutions, having strategically invested in the development of know-how in the field of automation for the use of energy saving, considered it its duty, after the developments of energy certification, to open the curtain of information in a field that certainly concerns or will employ all engineers in the near future, and not only that, since energy saving concerns us all.

Mechanical Solutions is a certified partner of SIEMENS SA in the design, supply and installation of automation for energy saving. As part of this collaboration, he organized an information event on the topic: "The effect of building automation and control functions on the energy efficiency of buildings".

The speaker of the event was Mr. Voulvoutzis George, head of the building automation department of SIEMENS BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES, with many years of experience in the field of building automation to save energy.